Helium, hydrogen and hydrocarbons in Australia

Mosman Helium
Mosman Hydrogen
Mosman Hydrocarbons
Map of Australia showing Amadeus Basin

Amadeus Basin

The Amadeus Basin has some of the highest recorded % of helium and hydrogen anywhere in the world. It is one of the most prospective onshore areas in Australia for helium, hydrogen and hydrocarbons and has established infrastructure with production from Mereenie, Palm Valley and Dingo oil and gas fields.

Mosman subsidiary Trident owns EP 145 and OilCo owns EP(A)155.

EP 145

The permit contains a significant anticline (named West Walker), over 30km in length, which hosts Ordovician through to Neoproterozoic stratigraphy with prospective targets at multiple levels of over 30km in length. The significance of the geology is its proximity to the nearby Mereenie oil and gas field, which produce from the Ordovician Pacoota Sandstone unit.

Two wells have been drilled on the anticline, the first West Walker -1 tested the western end of the feature. The well was drilled on a sparse seismic grid in 1982 and flowed wet gas to surface at a rate of 3.5MMscf/d from the Pacoota Sandstone, the main producing reservoir in the Mereenie and Palm Valley Fields. A follow up well drilled, Tent Hill-1 (1984), was drilled to the southeast on the same anticline, oil was observed seeping from cores but the well was not tested. Reprocessing of the vintage seismic data shows that both wells were drilled off structure, West Walker-1 drilled downdip of the main closure and Tent Hill-1 did not penetrate the target sandstone within closure.

As part of Mosman's initial technical evaluation SRK Consulting (Australia) were contracted to produce an independent report ("SRK Report, 2015") into the prospective resources contained in permit EP145. The report highlights the potential for both conventional oil and gas resources in proven reservoirs within the West Walker Anticline and unconventional gas resources in the Horn Valley Siltstone. More recent technical work by Mosman and Geognostics, Australia has highlighted the potential for helium and hydrogen in addition to the hydrocarbon resources documented by SRK. The exploration program has been revised to focus on the potential of EP145 to contain resources of helium, hydrogen and hydrocarbons at multiple horizons as demonstrated elsewhere in the basin.

Read latest article

Hidden Hydrogen : Does Earth hold vast stores of a renewable, carbon-free fuel? (science.org - 17 February 2023 - Vol 379 Issue 6633)

Prospective Resources (Bcf)Low EstimateBest EstimateHigh Estimate
Total Gas of 124402,290

Source: Mosman Oil and Gas Ltd, October 2022

The next step will include the acquisition and interpretation of 2D seismic followed by drilling an exploration well.

In October 2023, Greenvale Energy agreed to farmin to earn 75% by paying for the seismic and the first $5.5 million of drilling costs.

EPA 155 Mount Winter

Located in the Northern Amadeus Basin between the producing Surprise Oil Field and Mereenie Oil and Gas Field has significant prospectivity for helium, natural hydrogen and hydrocarbons.

EPA 155 lies within the highly prospective Horn Valley Siltstone fairway with proven hydrocarbon potential as demonstrated by historical wells, Mt Winter-1 & 1A. Exploration data comprises a sparse 2D seismic grid and 2 wells.

Mt Winter-1 was drilled to a depth of 2650m reaching TD in the Proterozoic Gillen Fm, above the helium and hydrogen prospective targets. Hydrocarbons were encountered in 2 intervals, the Ordovician Stairway Sandstone (reservoir at Surprise Field) and Proterozoic Jonny’s Creek Beds (reservoir at Ooaramina discovery, northeastern Amadeus Basin). The well was drilled off structure due to the limited seismic data available, and re-interpretation of the available data suggests valid targets at multiple depths down to and including basement.

EPA 155 is an exploration permit application, subject to successful land access negotiation with Traditional Owners prior to grant of the permit.

Mosman entered into a farmout agreement with Westmarket Oil and Gas Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Georgina in 2020.  Georgina are responsible for the Native Title Negotiations as required for grant of the permit.  Georgina  will also undertake the initial technical work program which includes acquisition of seismic data to earn a 75% working interest and operatorship of the permit. On drilling an exploration well Georgina has the option to earn a further 15% working interest by electing to carry Mosman through the cost of the well.